The Craft and The Crazy......can they coexist?

I would like to speak a little to two phenomena that, may, coexist. 1) A deep loving commitment to healing of energies in place (waters, air, land) and remnant wounded resonances therein, if / where possible. Alongside, 2) trauma and stressors that can push ones sanity beyond boundaries into, let's face it psychosis, or states close to. None of these are words I use lightly, or without a great sense of rawness and vulnerability touching my core.....

These topics are not easy ones, not comfortable, but perhaps important, enough for to me to raise from the sediments within, for I believe that with the dominant paradigm we live in, those deemed mad may well be carrying (literally) more than a kernel of truth. That our continent has a story including terrible acts that ripple out and remain shadowed in the land, alongside beautyous demonstrations of her care. For me she, is a her....our mother beneath our feet.

I feel also, that the tide is turning, as more folks begin to take a peek at the bedlam of more than one aspect of modern life....

What I am trying to express in the rambling that is my way, is that there is a commonality in the perceptual sliding between the worlds, in both crazy misperception, and conscious mending works of ritual, BUT also important differences in how and in what one is grounded. Also, that trauma effects both mind, earth and spirit. Thus linking them in the realm of the empathic, that may lead to a blurring of boundaries between that witch is going on....

I am speaking to these topics because they have scarred my life, and I'm feeling there be others too, I know there are. We gather, or work in solitude, with intention. 

Indigenous Elders, those arising and other stewards, I offer my respect to you, and your ways of knowing and caring for country that may include song, dance, music, burning, cycle marking, harvest methods, supporting the assistance of lost / wayward spirits to move to where they belong, and beginning to mend scarred lands and people....

The commonality I'm focusing upon is that there are realms beyond what may be called 'ordinary reality', day to day living that are being experienced by an increasing number of people. The difference is in perception of the character, or tone, of these other dimensions to life. In trauma states of triggering, or lack of knowledge / skill, these may become terrifying, and nightmarish. In conscious ritual we work to hold spaces that connect, nourish and nurture. Even if said spaces contain shadow work that is challenging, there is an inner compass, or guidance system. Be that through meditation upon, inheritance of or mentoring in, that prevent total immersion creeping in, and upon folk. So that one may swim, not drown, so to speak...

Yes, I believe that aptly prescribed medicines, and herbal allies, can support a shifting from trauma states of relating to more co-creative ones. With clarity and a regulated nervous system comes choices, decision making and capacity. Safety and response-ability. That said sometimes empathic souls simply seem to absorb the states of un/well land we connect with, as with the people around us. Healing places and otherwise influence us and thus we need to care for selves, as well. 

It seems to be, for me at least, a balancing act, in processes betwixt being out and about, and retreating into our sanctuary home. I am 13 weeks returned to this space, and doing better. Blessings to the spirits of land, sky and water for allowing me to return eh.....

It seems The Craft and The Crazy’s can coexist. Also that a sensing of place can heal and mend the latter, and increase t'other, when grounding out is involved. That this calls in practical magics too, like good sleep, connnextion to a sense of community and mutual supports, purpose, eating well, movement and all otherwisely medicines as called for….


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