
The Craft and The Crazy......can they coexist?

I would like to speak a little to two phenomena that, may, coexist. 1) A deep loving commitment to healing of energies in place (waters, air, land) and remnant wounded resonances therein, if / where possible. Alongside, 2) trauma and stressors that can push ones sanity beyond boundaries into, let's face it psychosis, or states close to. None of these are words I use lightly, or without a great sense of rawness and vulnerability touching my core..... These topics are not easy ones, not comfortable, but perhaps important, enough for to me to raise from the sediments within, for I believe that with the dominant paradigm we live in, those deemed mad may well be carrying (literally) more than a kernel of truth. That our continent has a story including terrible acts that ripple out and remain shadowed in the land, alongside beautyous demonstrations of her care. For me she, is a her....our mother beneath our feet. I feel also, that the tide is turning, as more folks begin to take a peek a...

Peeling onions.....

Welcome to a space betwixt and between, where you're welcome to dwell a whiles. On the edge of a village, and natures wildings, here's the cottage door ajar. The realms of folk yet beyonds. The kettles on, up for a brew? Could be Baba Yaga's place? Labels are accepted writ only upon jars, and the transmutation of others lead into pathways to creativity and magix.... So if someone's named you with words or invocations of a paradigm that wounds, lets unpick that. I feel you. Re-embroider and re-stitch in language that mends and nourishes....Be it physical, emotional, mental or spirit name calling....we can transform that.... Touched by resonance from the cracking open which occurs when one has experiences that vary from consensual reality. Painted with a brush, hand crafted by over 30 years of shadow boxing, blended with integration. I will make an attempt to share some recipes, which may be botanically inclined. I know we get told, pharma is the key when there's grey...